Year 3: Protest Cultures and Transnational Solidarities
As a response to border tensions and conflicts, transborder movements and networks have mobilized across the borders of nation-states, regions, and continents at various moments. Protest cultures have produced new, transborder communities and imaginaries that have helped rethink bases for affiliation and solidarity. New and social media have enabled a rapid exchange of discourse and strategies among movements across space, as evident in the ways that the Arab Spring inspired movements for democracy and economic justice across Arab nation-states as well as in the U.S., and anti-austerity and student movements around the world challenged the erosion 5 of public goods and shrinking of the commons under neoliberal capitalism. Immigrant rights, anti-globalization, anti-war, feminist, queer, and indigenous rights movements have used cultural production and digital media to work across borders, but and have also faced internal challenges and external repression, dynamics that are important to study.